
Study in New-Zealand

New Zealand is probably one of the best Countries with beautiful scenery, adventurous, developed as well as traditional, one of the best places to live and well, there's cricket too….

As much as any Indian, we are cricket lovers too. But we have analyzed upon some more reasons for you which you can seriously consider. Frankly, we believe NZ has emerged as a jewel in the last few years for students

Why study in New-Zealand

NZ government has appointed:

NZQA is responsible for approving and registering all courses and national qualifications offered at polytechnics and private training establishments.
NZVCC is responsible for approving all diplomas, undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by New Zealand universities.

These bodies ensure the quality of education and determine the delivery of qualifications. You can rest assured that Institutions in NZ provide superior quality education and an experience of a life time. As a former British colony, NZ's education system is based on the prestigious British system

Course: You name a course from business (incl. top rated MBAs), architecture, agriculture to tourism, communication studies, IT, engineering, digital media, fashion design, film, health sciences, hospitality, law, shipping and more – you have it on tables in NZ, quality uncompromised


Both – course fees and living expenses are cheaper as compared to many other popular study destinations

Visa: No personal interview is required in Delhi unless there are some really unusual circumstances. Mostly, this is also done over the phone. And if you receive a call, you can always get back to them when the time is more appropriate (or if you were not busy)


Part-time Work (while you study): You can work up to 20 hrs/week (like most other countries) during study period and full-time (generally 40 hrs/week) during vacations (and it's visibly mentioned on your student visa too). Bingo! You can take care of your living expenses this way (min. wage is NZ $12 per hour)

Job Search Visa (Guaranteed): After successful course completion, you will automatically get a 12 months 'Work Permit' (in most cases, this will be done at your Institution). And do you know what? You can work full-time in any job of your choice. But remember, if you are aiming a NZ Permanent Residency, then you have to find a job relevant to your course (that you have completed in NZ)
Really speaking, forget recovery of your costs, you'll are in easy for a simple permanent residency policy.


NZ is very safe and parents must relax. A thought: let's ask you – have you ever heard about safety issues in NZ, given the widespread of media? And if you have, how much is it compared to other Countries you were thinking about? And yes, you will always find Indian living in NZ helping (and the Indian population is reasonably high and growing). You will definitely not have to make 1000 calls to find one odd relative in NZ.

Guaranteed work permit provides the economic safety too


  • English is a daily language – Indian students find it easy to study and work
  • NZ is the first Country in the world to declare itself as a nuclear-free zone
  • Scenic beauty in NZ in probably the best in the world – you have glaciers, snow capped mountains, wild rivers, native forests, sandy beaches, hot water springs (even active volcanoes)
  • NZ's got cricket. Indian students will only enjoy this….. (and we have also started winning there)